There is a common saying; smoking helps in decreasing stress and help people to relax a bit. But is it true at all? Most smokers have a tendency to produce this particular explanation while asked to quit smoking. According to smokers, they need to calm their nerves while facing some sort of problematic, anxious, and critical situations. Oh yes, according to smokers, regular smoking helps in increasing the mind concentration level, curing boredom, allow the mind to relax, and provides a mental strength to deal with tougher situations.
The above paragraph clearly indicates two major benefits of smoking:
Firstly, smoking helps in calming & relaxing the mind. Secondly, smoking helps in increased concentration level.
Let's discuss on the first point: Calming and Relaxing.

Smoking cigarettes help in taking the stress entirely out of life, thus making the mind feel much relaxed. It helps the smoker to calm down and reduce the anxiety level. In times of extreme stress, simply lit a cigarette and give it a strong puff. See the effect. It makes the anxiety disappear like magic. A relaxing and much soothing experience. 
Now, on increased concentration level
Smoking helps in uplifting the concentration level. It helps in providing some sort of metal strength to the smoker. It is a stamina builder and boost in some good mental strength. Smoking allows the smoker to lift up a level. It helps in keeping the senses always awakened. Smoking is a calm and relaxed way to regain the concentration level.
Till now, it can be understood that smoking cigarettes can have 2 side effects: it helps in making the smoker feel a lot relaxed while calming the mind. And it helps in improving the concentration level. It provides a general feel of peacefulness or tranquillity. Smoking cigarettes can make the smoker feel a bit more confident. It helps in making him/her become more capable in dealing with stressful situations that demands increased concentration level.
Well, now come to the actual scenario. The above mentioned points are basically myth and partly true. It is the cigarette manufacturing brands that spread such rumors. In general, smoking is one of the ugliest habits a person can have. It not only deteriorates a person's health, but also pollutes the surroundings. Smoking leads to cancer. Frequent smokers develop a very black layer on their lungs. this layer is mainly deposition of a certain type of tar that results in spreading cancer to the body cells. Smoking is a bad habit that deteriorates the lungs' ability to pump more air into the heart. It contaminates the blood. Smoking darkens teeth and lips. Smoking is bad and it can end a life in a very slow yet effective manner. Remember, smoking reduces the oxygen supply to the brain. As a result, the brain's thinking ability gets reduced. Those who say that smoking helps in improving the concentration level, take a stick and hit them hard at their back. Smoking is the best way to poison a body in a slow but effective manner. Stop smoking. Save yourself and save the surroundings.

The writers love writing about health, travel and food. He loves to writing about Electronic Cigarettes Ireland. These days he is busy to write an article on E Cigs Ireland.


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